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The one where tradition takes front seat

On a Sunday morning, as I was sharing the dining table with my father, I noticed him coughing & sneezing.  Me : Mommy, arrange some Tulsi leaves before it's evening. (As per Odia tradition, we are not supposed to pluck leaves past evening) Mommy : But we just had our  breakfast Me : So ?  You can pick leaves only in morning on an empty stomach. Is that rule-2 in your dictionary of tradition ? (I was slightly irritated, because last time I asked her for my cold, she told me about evening, rule-1) Oh, how fool of you that you don't know this. No no, saying one can't pluck leaves after having non-veg would have made sense (considering odia culture), but the thing about empty stomach makes no sense.  You think you know everything, but you don't. No mom, I know that I don't know many things. But sometimes you say things that's just plain stupidity.  You REALLY think one can pluck leaves after having meal ? ( This time she was angry)  No, one can't (I said whi
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An Underrated Aspect of Waking Up Early : Backed by Experiment

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