Now, I don't know what you might be expecting from now onwards.
But if you are thinking I am going to trash social media & throw a bunch of criticism towards it, then I am sad to inform you that, it's not happening.
My relationship with social media was good-enough to say the least.
Did I have a good time on it ?
Did I regret losing time by using it ?
Never. I loved it.
Then why exactly I left SM ?
Well, without getting deeper, I can say it felt kind of the right thing to do due to some special circumstances.
Now coming to my Post-Social-Media life, If you are thinking that I am going to glorify it like it's heaven on earth, then I am sad to inform you that, that's not the case.
But I will say, it's somewhat better than good-enough. (No bragging at all)
There are few significant experiences about Post-Social-Media life that a regular SM user rarely experience.
1) You think more about yourself & people you care about. (Ofcourse, it's a peaceful experience)
2) You speak less, listen/observe more.
3) You watch less of others life, live more of your life.
4) You do things for your own sake than secretly-hoping to impress X, Y or Z.
5) Time doesn't fly. You feel the whole weight of 20+ hours (if not all 24 hours)
6) Comparison rarely comes to mind. You feel quite content with every aspect of your life, whether good or bad.
7) You start to notice how absent people in your surrounding are while using social media.
8) You have more patience for having a long conversation with people.
On the down side, there are few things like :
1) You get more shocks when you meet people & they eagerly ask "You didn't saw my post ?". Ofcourse, not a happy experience.
2) You observe few things which are really unpleasant & doesn't come under your radar of interest.
That was my experience.
Have you ever left social media for a long time ?
How was your experience ?
Was it same as me or anything different ?
Comment below.
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