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One Day in Bangalore : Part 2

As usual, I picked the scooty & left our apartment holding the same water can. On my way an old lady, around 70 years, waved at me. So I slowed down a bit. 

"Some Kannada....lift....Some kannada" the old lady said.

"Yes" I replied with a smile. 

Then I offered her a lift. 

"Some Kannada" the old lady said on the way.

"Some more Kannada" 

"Actually....... I don't understand" I said with a smile.  

You don't ? 

No, Hindi or English is fine. 

" Thank you so much for the lift" she said with a grateful voice. 

It's ok. No problem.

So you are from ? 


What are you doing here ? 

I had my training here & now I am looking for a job. 

Where are you staying, in a PG ? 

No, I am staying with my friends. 

That's good, because staying outside is too costly. Besides the sanitation in those PGs are not good here.

Yes, that's right. 

After 200m I turned left, because that was my way to bring water.

" Straight, Straight" the old lady said. 

"Okay" I replied. 

" Thank you son. My home is a little ahead" she said with a smile. 

No problem. That's fine. I am free now. 

"How long you have been staying here ?" she asked. 

Around 10 months.  

You don't get worried. You will surely get a job. Compared to other parts of India here there are lots of Job opportunities. 

Yes, especially in engineering domain. 


Now turn right. It's very near & thank you for the trouble I have put you in. 

No, no it's not a problem. 

A 10 second of silence followed. 

"You Wegornonweg ?" she asked. 

"Sorry ?" 

"Wegornonweg ?" 

Could you please repeat ?

"What do you eat ? Veg  or Nonveg ?" 

"Ohhhhhh, I eat both" I replied with a smile.

You also like vegetarian food ? 

Yes, in fact I like that more than nonveg. It's so refreshing to eat vegetables. Like when I was in my village I used to eat them a lot. But unfortunately I don't get as much varieties of vegetables here.

Actually there is a hotel very close to where you picked me. Laxmi Vaibhav. 

Yes, I know. 

They have some good options. You should try sometimes. 

Sure mam. 

You can leave me here. My home is very close, I can walk from here.

Okay mam.

What is your good name ? 


My name is Parvati & thank you so much for your kind help.

Thats okay mam. Nice to meet you.  


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Shiva ❤. Jaldi asa, Bangalore tamaku wait karichi

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Neha for the feedback 😁 & keep reading (not necessarily my stuff but in general 📖)


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