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3 Ways to Pick Non-Fiction Books for a Fun Reading Experience

If you are reading this then I am assuming you have come accross few books in past & looking forward to lift your reading a notch higher. 

So what do you think about reading ? 

How that experience of holding a book & reading it all by yourself inside a calm room sounds like ? 

Fun, right ?  

Hell no. 

Opposed to scrolling Netflix & Instagram, the idea of putting down your head over a book already sounds quite geeky, which could be described as the opposite of fun.

But is there any way to make it fun ?

Ofcourse. You can have a coffee. You can sit over a comfortable chair with a comfy cushion inside a home whose doors give way to a cool green balcony. That's the decoration part. But there is something more important than decoration & that's the secret. 


Read that sentence again. 

I didn't say "Pick the RIGHT BOOKS"

I said "Pick the books RIGHT FOR YOU".

Got it ?

Now that's what makes the whole process a joy ride & this post is all about how to pick the books 😉 RIGHT FOR YOU 😉

So without delay let's start the ride. 

1) Think about those people whom you deeply admire & want to learn from : 

In 2015, SpaceX launched it's FALCON 9 rockets to send payload to ISS & it's booster safely came back to earth for reuse in future projects. I saw it live & I was sold. Then I heard about the man behind this mission who is running not 1 or 2, but 3 futuristic companies: Elon Freaking Musk. I couldn't wait to know more about this guy & boom. Book Ordered. 

Since then I have explored people like Naval Ravikant, Ayushman Khurrana, Ratan Tata, Suresh Raina & Priyanka Chopra to name a few. 

2) Think about a problem you desperately want to solve right now : 

It's quite obvious, you are not going to enjoy or even finish a book if you don't care about the issue it addresses. So what bothers you the most ? 

In which aspect of your life you believe you need more clarity ? 

May be you want to improve your relationships, may be you want to raise your stock market skills, fixing a terrible sleep cycle or want to develop a high output skill set. There is a book waiting JUST FOR YOU. 

3) Think what you were curious about as a child

Talking about me, I was incredibly curious about spirituality from childhood, about outer space since my high school & about laptops since +2. 

Guess what ? 

There is a dedicated section in my book shelf for the books of J. Krishnamurthy & Sri Aurobindo. Also there is a separate section for science fiction & books of Stephen Hawking & Carl Sagan. 

There are many others ways to pick books, but these 3 ways will be a good starting point for anyone trying to get into reading.

And please remember, don't rely exclusively on anyone's  random recommendation. Only YOU can decide what's right for you. 

In a future post, I will be covering "How to pick FICTION". Till then, bye bye. 😊


  1. If there is anyone you know interested in any sort of activity related to reading & writing, please forward this post to them. It will be beneficial to them to get some perspective on reading. Thank you.


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