If you are reading this then I am assuming you have come accross few books in past & looking forward to lift your reading a notch higher. So what do you think about reading ? How that experience of holding a book & reading it all by yourself inside a calm room sounds like ? Fun, right ? Hell no. Opposed to scrolling Netflix & Instagram, the idea of putting down your head over a book already sounds quite geeky, which could be described as the opposite of fun. But is there any way to make it fun ? Ofcourse. You can have a coffee. You can sit over a comfortable chair with a comfy cushion inside a home whose doors give way to a cool green balcony. That's the decoration part. But there is something more important than decoration & that's the secret. It's fun ONLY IF YOU PICK THE BOOKS RIGHT FOR YOU . Read that sentence again. I didn't say "Pick the RIGHT BOOKS" I said "Pick the books RIGHT FOR YOU". Got it ? Now that's wha...