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Yes, Bangalore weather is great. But why ?

This is the singlemost question every bangalorean (& also non-bangalorean) has wondered at some point of time. 

Traffic might be worst, road might me bad, but weather is great.

Let's find out why. 

Let's start with a question ; what exactly do we check before declaring a weather good or bad ? 

There can be several factors, but these 2 stand out : 

1) Temperature 

Few months back I went to Odisha. As soon as I came out of airplane I could feel a strong sensation in my body. The atmosphere was hot (temperature). So I started to sweat. 

2) Humidity 

At the same time my face started to get moist(humidity). I had to use face wash multiple times a day to stay fresh.  

The exact opposite happens when you return to Bangalore. Temperature reduces. You also feel fresh (even without face wash).  

Now coming back to our question "Why is it so ?" 

Short answer : Because of its geography. 

Long answer : Keep reading...

1) Temperature

The forest penetration in Odisha & Karnataka is 33% & 22% respectively. One might think, then Odisha should be cooler compared to Karnataka (Bangalore). But actually its not.

Bangalore is cooler because of its incredible height above sea level. For example, the height of Bhubaneswar & Chennai are 45m & 10m above sea level. 

Now can you guess the height of Bangalore ? 

Just take a guess.

900m. Boom. 

Yes, thats right. 

As you know, when we gain altitude temperature reduces. 

2) Humidity

In the map of India, if you draw a horizontal line through Bangalore it touches two cities. Chennai in east & Mangalore in west. One might think, then all 3 cities will feel the same. But actually its not.

Chennai & Mangalore are highly humid because of their vicinity to sea. While Bangalore lies almost in the middle of the line joining Arabian sea (Mangalore) & Bay of bengal (Chennai). So the effect of sea reduces drastically.

Now the detailed answer is not limited to what I explained. There is also the added advantage of 2 monsoons (unlike 1 monsoon in Chennai) in Bangalore, which helps to lower the temperature. Also due to western ghat during rainy season the weather never goes to its extreme. So here you can get a swift & consistent rainfall the entire rainy season (even beyond).  

You can Google more about it.

And for now, I think that's enough. 

So I will see you guys the next time. Till then, bye bye. 😊


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