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Weird Translations of Marvel & DC Characters

This is going to be some weird fun. I bet. 

However, before coming into the center of our topic, which is weird translations, I would say one thing : "Stan Lee was Brilliant. No doubt about that. The way he has woven those characters & the extent of their relatability to people around the world is simply insane." As classy his own name (STAN LEE) sounds, his characters sound equally classy when you speak them aloud. 

Now if we talk about the other side of the table, which is the dark DC, their characters have their appeal as well. Saying "Flash" gives nothing short of a mini adrenaline rush. Now we will see how these flowery names sound, once translated into a different language (in this case ODIA).  So without further ado, let's jump into the center. 

Marvel Characters:

1) Pimpudi Manisa 

2) Kala Bagha 

3) Budhiani Manisa 

4) Advuta Daktara 

5) Pruthalakaya 

6) America ra Adhinayaka 

7) Drusti Shakti 

8) Bichitra Adhinayika 

9) Pratisodhi Mane 

DC Characters:

1) Anyatama Manisa 

2) Chamatkari Mahila 

3) Sabuja Lanthana

4) Jala Manisa 

5) Badudi Manisa 

6) Upahasaka 

7) Chamaka 

8) Nyaya Sangha 

Now just imagine Odia film industry starts dubbing Avengers into pure Odia. It's dialogues would go something like "America ra Adhinayaka loka nku banchaile", "Pratisodhi mane Newyork ku rakhya kale", "Pruthalakaya manisa Loki ku chhechila". 

Anyway guys, i am still laughing while i write these lines. Hope you enjoyed too.

And I am sure i have missed a lot of other characters. So if you have any other suggestions, the comment box is waiting for you. Good day  !


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