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From Quick to Less Quick : A Commentary on YouTube

I woke up from bed without inspiration. My mind took me into my past. The good old days so to speak. It took me a while to get over that feeling of past. "Let's do some programming" I thought. But no...I couldn't. I had no inspiration. So I took the easy way. I watched YouTube.

I started with a Ted talk of 15 minutes. It was informative. It was planned except what's about to come. YouTube is a mysterious place. You never know what YouTube algorithm is going to recommend you. That's why you never know how the coming hours of your day is going to be like. It can be literally anything around the globe that could catch your attention. It can be "Brett Lee's fastest delivery", it can be "kapil sharma's latest comedy", it can be "a controversial debate in republic tv", it can be "a singer who went viral" or it can be "Sadhguru's philosophy".

Now you are without inspiration. Next moment you watch a sadhu preaching & you are burning with inspiration. Now you are bored as hell. Next moment you watch a prank & you laugh your heart out. You just never know about your "Next Moment". It's like in a span of 24 hours you have been through 100 types of emotion. 

That's our present. A present filled with a high degree of uncertain, fragile, crowded & less meaningful experiences. Talking about meaningful experiences there are still few platforms in internet that caters a type of content that takes a comparatively longer duration so as to immerse you deeply into a subject so you can make sense of it in retrospect. One of them is "Podcast". Starting from 30 mins to 2 hours they set the ground for meaningful experiences. Watching a 3 hours cricket match can be another way to attain meaningful experience. 

As long as there is room for "longer duration" it tends to be more meaningful. On contrary, 3/4 min videos don't serve any meaning except filling our brains with some quick information. So from user end we can say that there is still room for something better. Better than a quick laugh, better than a quick news or better than a quick rush of emotion. May be a less quick or slower one would be the answer. If videos are the ones that consume a ton of our life, then may be we can choose what to watch & what not. May be a philosophy like "The Slower the Better" should be embraced, hugged, kissed & loved for a life of meaning & well fortune.


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