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The Price of Awareness

You always want to be efficient in whatever you do. Don’t you? Then what stops you from making the best out of a particular task when you already have requisite expertise & skills? Why sometimes it feels like 24 hour is still not enough to produce satisfactory outcomes? The reason is that something important is missing that prevents you from managing the “Time At Hand” perfectly. Let’s say you are a software engineer working in a private company & earning 20000 per month. If someone can suggest you a way so that you can earn 30000 a month doing the same job using same skills, then definitely you would think about it seriously. This is what Awareness is all about. It’s about an idea having a mass appeal. Ideas (Awareness) help you to be efficient. It broadens your outlook towards yourself, your internal capabilities & also the surrounding as well.
Just recall how many times you have encountered regrets while scrolling face book news feed & misleading videos in you tube which have no use in your life at all & will never be in future. Now recall that day when you got that Diamond channel out of The Mines of You tube video. Videos that suits you perfectly, that adds to your knowledge & that enriches you with everything that you can expect from a You Tube video. What if someone gives you that Key to unlock all those channels in your life that is considered to be useful for yourself? Definitely, it would be beyond exciting. And that key is AWARENESS….Then 24 hour would be sufficient to yield your requisite outcome like it happens with great entrepreneurs like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos & Bill Gates. 

Pic Courtesy : Google

So Awareness can be interpreted as being mindful about the hidden opportunities that makes life easy & efficient. Awareness can be of many types like: Health Awareness, Educational Awareness, Scientific Awareness, Social Awareness etc. & they all brings Agility & Flexibility in respective domain which in turn makes you robust.   

        Let me give an example of Health Awareness. Have you ever felt stiffness in your body parts or laziness during day light hours? Have you ever tried to eliminate them or to get relaxed in any way? Then you must have got some ideas to implement in your daily schedule. You must have made some changes in your routine activities. That change may be a very small one but it is a change. If above said symptoms have happened to you, then you must know that you are exhibiting some degree of Health Awareness. So this awareness pushes you to make some small changes in your life. Awareness catapults you to do something that you would not otherwise do if you were not convinced about the benefits it provides.  AWARENESS IS A SMALL THING; BUT IT MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE How to be more AWARE? First of all, you must know that Awareness is not matter of coincidence; it about a Decision that you make to walk the path of productivity. There is nothing like an in-born aware person. Every aware person is curious in some 
ways to learn new ideas & skills to be more productive, to maximize outcomes in any field. So it’s the “HUNGER TO BE PRODUCTIVE” that propels you to ask yourself more questions about a given topic. As you start asking questions you will get some new, creative & effective ideas which can open new frontiers you. That’s how you allow yourself to newer perspectives of life & you become more aware. As you start becoming more aware you take better decisions that somehow takes you closer to being productive.  

Now let’s visit some quotes on AWARENESS & start being effective & productive at the same time.  

** The first step towards change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.
** Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed. 
** The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness. 
** The better your awareness, the better your choices

Stay Aware...Stay On...


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