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Qualifying For The Bigger National Cause

In any nation its human resource plays a pivotal role in bringing any major change. Apart from children almost every age group carry a responsibility of pushing the corridors of national development. Especially, People in the age group of 18 to 30, who are considered as youth, have the maximum potential to bring any change because they have the ability to shape themselves into any form they want. 

The good news is that: they contribute a staggering percentage to the overall population. But the bad news is that: they are distracted. They live in a world surrounded by “Attention Sucking Parasites” of the online world.  

Now India as a nation is combating some toughest battles in its history. Nerve cracking Terrorism, overgrowing population, deteriorating climate condition, degrading land quality to produce food  are a few to name. Considering the statistics what we are getting, there is no doubt that they are in a precarious position. Unless cared, there is a high chance that we will be destined to suffer like never before in human history. Before everything slip out of hand, we are in essential need of a solution. A solution which is very scientific as well as sustainable. But who will come with a promising solution? Our govt.? Our old aged people? Our middle aged people? Or our youth?  

As we all know, govt. makes policy whose certainty of implementation depends on who rules. Our old age people are most likely to seek family care. So responsible comes down to our middle aged people. Our middle aged people, who are considered as workforce, are already working on a range of problems which are broadly traditional. Although there are people who are involved in modern world problems through research, innovation & entrepreneurial works still there percentage is extremely low. And the remaining middle aged people can’t switch their job immediately to work on a new set of problems. So our ultimate hope relies on one age group who are mentally & physically flexible to walk the challenging path of dealing with modern world problems. This age group is our Youth. 

Since today’s youth is tomorrow’s workforce a lot more has to be expected from our youth. Question comes, whether our youth is looking forward to lift this responsibility of finding a solution or they will prefer to ignore it? Before finding the answer we have to understand the current stage of our youth & their attitude towards the serious problems of our country. 

As I said earlier, our youth are surrounded by “Attention Sucking Parasites” of the online world. A 2017 Times Of India survey says, an average Indian spends 70% of its internet time on Social media(Facebook being the top rated parasite that sucks nearly 38% of total time) & entertainment(YouTube, Amazon Prime). Only 30% of time on other Apps. If we subtract any other apps related to shopping & business, only 10 to 15% time left for education. 

Question comes, can we risk our future by expecting solutions from our youth who are ready to waste time by becoming a slave of social media & entertainment stuffs? Of course Not. We can’t risk our future neither the future of our coming generation. So if you are a youth, then you can’t go easy now. You must change to face the coming emergency. Yes, you must.  

So if our youth are optimistic about bringing a national development, they must become capable to lift this responsibility. That’s why it is inevitable for them to focus on self-development & self-care because if you can’t help yourself, then how can you imagine to help your country? If you are not mentally & physically strong then how can you imagine to create a strong nation? If you personally don’t feel empowered, how can you imagine to empower someone else? If you personally don’t have any skill, then how can you imagine to create a skilled workforce to develop a nation?  

Now things are crystal clear. Before preparing our country for a better future, let us prepare ourselves for a better today. Let us guide our youth energy towards a better health, towards a  better skill, towards a better consciousness to become a part of a massive cause for national development. In short, let’s focus on self development & self-care. 

We are not alone…there are thousands of self development books that inspires us, thousands of leaders who focus on personal development & thousands of ways available to empower ourselves. We have to simply give those books & leaders a chance to enter our daily schedule. Once they enter perfectly, you don’t have to wait very long to see the result. It will be visible very soon. You will eat healthy, you will think healthy & you will do things which will produce results which are healthy. 

Finally, a day will come we(The Youth) would have become a server-of-nation from a slave-of-social media. And let us pray god to keep us alive for that day when we would tell our sons & daughter that “Your father(or mother) was the CAUSE behind the CHANGE you are witnessing today”.   


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