You always want to be efficient in whatever you do. Don’t you? Then what stops you from making the best out of a particular task when you already have requisite expertise & skills? Why sometimes it feels like 24 hour is still not enough to produce satisfactory outcomes? The reason is that something important is missing that prevents you from managing the “Time At Hand” perfectly. Let’s say you are a software engineer working in a private company & earning 20000 per month. If someone can suggest you a way so that you can earn 30000 a month doing the same job using same skills, then definitely you would think about it seriously. This is what Awareness is all about. It’s about an idea having a mass appeal. Ideas (Awareness) help you to be efficient. It broadens your outlook towards yourself, your internal capabilities & also the surrounding as well. Just recall how many times you have encountered regrets while scrolling face book news feed & mislead...